Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Biscuit of The Day

Christopher Harding
 I found this on Face book thought it was cool.


William Henderson

Biscuit of The Day

In the Bible dictionary under Faith it says " faith is a principle of action and of power, and by it one can command the elements and/or heal the sick, or influence any number of circumstances when occasion warrants. (Jacob 4: 4-7). All true faith must be based upon correct knowledge or it cannot produce the desired results. True faith always moves it's possessor to some kind physical or mental action ; it carries an assurance of the fulfillment of things hoped for. A lack of faith leads one to despair.

So what do I have to do to have more faith? ACTION mental and physical ACTION. I have found that I never have my faith realized until I am in action for a period of time. This is an unchangeable principle and there is no way around it. I love it and I will build my life around it.


William Henderson

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Biscuit of The Day

I Caught my self judging someone today and I stopped myself right in the middle of it. A friend of mine told me last week that he tries to learn something from everyone he comes in contact with. He is a very successful business owner that pays about 4 times more in taxes than I make in a year. Is there a connection here?   

I have learned that relationships lead to money and money is a relationship. Judging someone has nerve built a very good relationship. There is a cycle that Kirk Duncan taught me last weekend and it is called the give and receive cycle. In order to get more one needs to learn how to receive more.  So does this mean I need to swallow my Pride and say thank you to compliments and gracefully except gifts? I used to dismiss compliments by saying well I do my best or it was alright. Receiving a compliment is excepting  service from the one that gives the compliment. Let them serve you and it will bless their life. My mother told me one day that I was a blessing thief because I did not except help from others. She said that being served is just as important as serving. For those that follow Christ he said to his apostles that if they did not let him wash their feet they did not have anything to do with him. 

Pretty eye opening for me, it makes me want to find people that want to serve me. Might sound selfish but if you are looking for that guess what happens? You will also find people to serve. Tomorrow take the time to recognize the person at the store that is checking you out by telling them how great of a job they are doing and thank them for serving you. Do this everywhere you go and you will be astounded on the transformation in you own heart. Dave Blanchard said always leave people better then you found them and you will become what Og Mandino said A MAN AMONG MEN. 

I hope you enjoyed

William Henderson     

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Biscuit of The Day

Have you ever had one of those nights where your mind is going a million miles an hour and you can not sleep? I  could not sleep tonight so got up to take some things off my mind and put them on this blog. What is it that causes a tired person to stay awake and think about everything? Could it be stress, could it be worry or is it that there is a message that did not get shared and it is bottled up inside needing to get out? Have you ever held your tongue when you knew you should speak up?
I really think everyone has a message to share with the world but we are to busy to either listen or to scared to share. Is there any experience that I have gone through that can help me help others? I believe there is and the time is at hand to reach out and lift up those around me. And by doing so I will find the one that can pick me up dust me off and put me back on track better then they found me. Has there ever been a time where you think that life is too hard and you just can't go any further?  I have Been to that point a few times in my life and it has uniquely prepared me to be a beacon of hope for those coming down the same path.
Wouldn't be nice to have a road map that teaches us how to get through the rough spots in life? There is one and it just so happens that it lies in the experiences of the people that are around us. So does that mean that I need the people that I come in contact with on a daily basis? You better believe it does. There is so much yummy stuff out there that people have to share. But the hard part is figuring out how to mine the experiences from those around us.
First question I need to ask myself is am I teachable and willing to listen? Second question is can I keep from judging others and truly believe that everyone have a valuable message to share? Third Question is can I listen without speaking or changing the subject before the message is delivered? Dave Blanchard said " there is about 60 % of cooperation that people hold back until they feel the are validated". Imagine 60 % more cooperation  from those around you just by listening and really understanding.
Funny how that works isn't it.  Steven Covey said in relationships fast is slow and slow is fast when it comes to communication. Seeking  first to understand is the key to unlocking the door to the vault that holds riches so large there is not enough room  for one person to receive it.  So does this mean that I need to break out of my shell and start asking the right questions and listening 10 time more then I speak?
But I want to be heard because I have an experience share!!!  
Well I have found that my opportunity will come to share my experience and truly have people listen only when I have taken the time to earn the right to share.

Thank you for reading

William Henderson

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Biscuit of The Day

What did I learn today? I learned that it is really easy judge each others. I caught myself making a judgement about someone today and I was so far off the mark it was not funny. Made me realize that I need to keep on top of my thoughts and not let my perceptions get in the way. It goes back to Steven Covey's 7 Habits #5 says seek first to understand and then be understood. This is also true for the physical aspect of the people you meet or know. Just because it looks a certain way does not always mean that is the way it really is. It is so easy to make a superficial judgement when you think you know how someone is.So I need to seek first to understand.
Makes me wonder if what I see is actually inside of me not the other person. So is it time for me to take out the trash? Am I seeing my own insecurities and short comings in other people? Or is it me projecting those insecurities and shortcoming on to others? Boy that is a tough pill to swallow but it is an absolute unchangeable truth. So That means I need to clean our my negative thoughts and then and only then can I see people for who they truly are. Kirk Duncan taught us about taking out the T.R.A.S.H.
Trash stands for Thoughts, randomly, affecting, spiritual, heights. Looks like I have some spring cleaning to do. And I hope this will help someone realize the same.

Thank you for reading.

William Henderson

Monday, October 3, 2011

Biscuit of The Day

How hard is it to teach a old dog new tricks? Have you ever tried to teach yourself something new? Or have you ever tried to get into a new set of habits? Why is it so easy to start bad habits and so hard to start new ones? Why is it that the human race for the most part so willing to take the easy road instead of the hard one?  I there a force that draws us to the things that we naturally desire?
Teaching a dog new tricks is possible if you find what motivates the dog. This same thing is true when it comes to people. If you were offered  $100,000 to stop one of your bad habits for a year how easy would it be to roll up your sleeves and start day one? Really easy I would hope. Why is good habits not rewarded instantly? For example if you don't smoke you live longer if you smoke your life is shortened. This is the law that governs all laws in the universe and that is says that for every action there will be a reaction or some may call it a a consequence. 
Take eating for an example. If you eat bad things while you are young it seems that it does not effect you very much. But in time things start to catch up to you and you gain weight and you get weaker and before you know it you have gone to pot. 
Becoming unhealthy happens one small step at a time and one small choice at a time. Just as becoming healthy  one good decision after another will get one to that desired destination. Bad habit comes so slowly that we don't even realize it has us until one day BAM!!!! we are over whelmed because in order to come back  we will have have to take all those steps again all the way back to where we began. Someone once said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. The end of the journey only comes to those that are willing to take ever step necessary to reach the thousand mile mark. And being in a place you don't want to be took every step necessary to reach the place where you don't want to be. So be careful because the thousand mile marker might be at a destination you would never in a million years choose to travel to. 
But if you end up a thousand miles away from where you want to be that is not the end there is hope. Make the decision to get back on track and take the first step and please do not quite. Push through the pain the suffering and the heart ache because the reward is great at the end of the journey. 

Thank you for reading 

William Henderson