Don't forget to stop and take a look around at the things that are important.
About two days ago my wife helped me realize that I am always in work mode and I am never really home. It made me realize that I have been missing some really important opportunities to connect with my family. Tonight I went to my daughters music recital at her school and I realized that I have a very talented girl living under the same roof as I do. Crazy where did she come from? Did I miss something while I was stuck at work 24 hours a day?
I was not at work tonight I was at the recital ( Truly at the recital). I had so much fun and I got to see who she really is. She was the most beautiful talented girl I have ever seen and I could not help but smile bigger then I have ever smiled in my whole life. I felt so connected to her and my love for her increased 100 times.
Do you ever get so caught up in providing for your family that you miss all the good stuff? Do you ever come home so tired that you just don't want to participate in the family day to day stuff? If you don't think there is any good stuff going on, stop for a few minutes and watch closely. You will be surprised what you see. I have got so caught up in the thick of thin things that I have missed the small stuff that passes by in the blink of an eye. Now I don't want to blink because I am afraid to miss something.
So how do I break free form this cycle that so easily over takes me? Like Steven Covey said do the first things first.
1. Recognizing that this is a problem is the first step to breaking free. Kirk Duncan calls it the Wall.
2. Now that I know this is a problem I need to be checking in with myself every-once in a while. James Allen wrote: Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace.
So if this is true then I can build the relationship with my family that I have always wanted or I can really destroy my family with weapons I forge.
What kind of weapons do I Forge that will destroy my family?
Weapon 1: Do I really listen to my wife or children or am I always thinking about work?
Weapon 2: When I see the negative in a family member do I point it out?
Weapon 3: Do I see a messy room or undone chores as bothersome?
Weapon 4: Am I so caught up in needing to be right that I will make someone feel small to show that I am right?
What tools can I fashion to shield my family from these weapons?
Tool 1: Steven Covey wrote that we need to seek first to understand and then be understood. He also said that understanding to the soul is what air is to the body. Are you really truly listening?
Tool 2: Og Mandino wrote that are love can soften the hardest hearts like the sun who's ray soften the coldest clay. Point out what you love about your family members as much as you can everyday and they will become what you see.
Tool 3: Again Steven Covey said 1+1= more then two. Synergy Find the messy room as an opportunity to be with your child and work together towards a common goal. Then they will trust that when they get stuck or behind they and rely on you to help then find the way.
Tool 4: David Blanchard one of my super hero's "said just let it go, do not tare someone down in the name of being right JUST LET IT GO". It is OK for someone to have a different truth then we do. Truth is perception and perception is King of all. Just love people for who they really are children of God.
I am a work in progress and these are some of the things that I have learned while I have been on this earth. And I have learned them because I have been willing to look inside myself and be OK with the flaws that I have found. These flaws give me something to work on with my Higher Power. He knows the answers so I want him to be my 1+1= more then 2 (Synergy to the 10th power).
I hope you enjoyed this blog please comment.
William Henderson
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Do you want to move yourself or you family up to the next level? Have you ever felt that it is impossible to do so?
Well I learned something really cool today that just might help you. Kirk Duncan for 3 Key Elements said we need to take the negative statements we hear and write them down. Then take them and write the opposite of them. For example, have you ever told yourself that you are you are stupid? Write on a piece of paper that you are smart. Then use these opposites to right your positive declarations for your family and your self.
Tonight as a family we put together the Henderson Family Declaration statement. We declared to the opposition that we think only good things about each other and where we stand. Just as the this nation declared where it stands through its Declaration of Independence. We the people of the Henderson Family declare who we are and where we stand.
Do you have a Declaration statement for you self and your family? If you don't, get one, if you have problems putting one together call me and I can teach your family how to put one together for a small fee.
Thank you for reading.
William Henderson
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -- Gandhi
Wow it starts with me. Sometimes that is a hard pill to swallow. So if I need to be the change, does that mean that I need to be the type of person that would get along with the person that I am not getting along with? Pretty cool, Gandhi was ahead of his time for sure.
So if you are single and you can imagine the type of person you would like to be with. The first quest that you might want to ask yourself is, Are you the type of person that would attract the type of person you are looking for?
If you are married you could ask yourself are you continuing to be the type of person that your spouse wants to be with? If you are not sure ask your spouse what they want and become the change you want to see in your relationship.
Wow it starts with me. Sometimes that is a hard pill to swallow. So if I need to be the change, does that mean that I need to be the type of person that would get along with the person that I am not getting along with? Pretty cool, Gandhi was ahead of his time for sure.
So if you are single and you can imagine the type of person you would like to be with. The first quest that you might want to ask yourself is, Are you the type of person that would attract the type of person you are looking for?
If you are married you could ask yourself are you continuing to be the type of person that your spouse wants to be with? If you are not sure ask your spouse what they want and become the change you want to see in your relationship.
Thanks for reading.
William Henderson
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Why is it so hard to set a schedule and keep it? How often do you let others change your schedule? This has been the battle for me for as long as I can remember. I have found that the reason it has been a struggle is because I am resistant to structure. When you were a kid did you always get into trouble? Did it drive you crazy when someone told you what to do? If you answered yes to these questions then you are most likely resistant to structure.
Isn't it crazy that I am resistant to the very thing that will make me successful? The thing that is even crazier is that I get angry because everything seems to be such a struggle. You could say I gave myself a self inflicted gun shot wound on this one. Hard pill to swallow when I look at it this way. You mean I struggle because of choices I make? Struggle will come no matter what. And some times it will come for no reason. So why add more than you need ? Find a way to get out of the fly by the seat of your pants mode and strap yourself in so you can keep control of the vehicle when the roads get bumpy.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Christopher Harding

I found this on Face book thought it was cool.
William Henderson
Biscuit of The Day
In the Bible dictionary under Faith it says " faith is a principle of action and of power, and by it one can command the elements and/or heal the sick, or influence any number of circumstances when occasion warrants. (Jacob 4: 4-7). All true faith must be based upon correct knowledge or it cannot produce the desired results. True faith always moves it's possessor to some kind physical or mental action ; it carries an assurance of the fulfillment of things hoped for. A lack of faith leads one to despair.
So what do I have to do to have more faith? ACTION mental and physical ACTION. I have found that I never have my faith realized until I am in action for a period of time. This is an unchangeable principle and there is no way around it. I love it and I will build my life around it.
William Henderson
So what do I have to do to have more faith? ACTION mental and physical ACTION. I have found that I never have my faith realized until I am in action for a period of time. This is an unchangeable principle and there is no way around it. I love it and I will build my life around it.
William Henderson
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
I Caught my self judging someone today and I stopped myself right in the middle of it. A friend of mine told me last week that he tries to learn something from everyone he comes in contact with. He is a very successful business owner that pays about 4 times more in taxes than I make in a year. Is there a connection here?
I have learned that relationships lead to money and money is a relationship. Judging someone has nerve built a very good relationship. There is a cycle that Kirk Duncan taught me last weekend and it is called the give and receive cycle. In order to get more one needs to learn how to receive more. So does this mean I need to swallow my Pride and say thank you to compliments and gracefully except gifts? I used to dismiss compliments by saying well I do my best or it was alright. Receiving a compliment is excepting service from the one that gives the compliment. Let them serve you and it will bless their life. My mother told me one day that I was a blessing thief because I did not except help from others. She said that being served is just as important as serving. For those that follow Christ he said to his apostles that if they did not let him wash their feet they did not have anything to do with him.
Pretty eye opening for me, it makes me want to find people that want to serve me. Might sound selfish but if you are looking for that guess what happens? You will also find people to serve. Tomorrow take the time to recognize the person at the store that is checking you out by telling them how great of a job they are doing and thank them for serving you. Do this everywhere you go and you will be astounded on the transformation in you own heart. Dave Blanchard said always leave people better then you found them and you will become what Og Mandino said A MAN AMONG MEN.
I hope you enjoyed
William Henderson
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Have you ever had one of those nights where your mind is going a million miles an hour and you can not sleep? I could not sleep tonight so got up to take some things off my mind and put them on this blog. What is it that causes a tired person to stay awake and think about everything? Could it be stress, could it be worry or is it that there is a message that did not get shared and it is bottled up inside needing to get out? Have you ever held your tongue when you knew you should speak up?
I really think everyone has a message to share with the world but we are to busy to either listen or to scared to share. Is there any experience that I have gone through that can help me help others? I believe there is and the time is at hand to reach out and lift up those around me. And by doing so I will find the one that can pick me up dust me off and put me back on track better then they found me. Has there ever been a time where you think that life is too hard and you just can't go any further? I have Been to that point a few times in my life and it has uniquely prepared me to be a beacon of hope for those coming down the same path.
Wouldn't be nice to have a road map that teaches us how to get through the rough spots in life? There is one and it just so happens that it lies in the experiences of the people that are around us. So does that mean that I need the people that I come in contact with on a daily basis? You better believe it does. There is so much yummy stuff out there that people have to share. But the hard part is figuring out how to mine the experiences from those around us.
First question I need to ask myself is am I teachable and willing to listen? Second question is can I keep from judging others and truly believe that everyone have a valuable message to share? Third Question is can I listen without speaking or changing the subject before the message is delivered? Dave Blanchard said " there is about 60 % of cooperation that people hold back until they feel the are validated". Imagine 60 % more cooperation from those around you just by listening and really understanding.
Funny how that works isn't it. Steven Covey said in relationships fast is slow and slow is fast when it comes to communication. Seeking first to understand is the key to unlocking the door to the vault that holds riches so large there is not enough room for one person to receive it. So does this mean that I need to break out of my shell and start asking the right questions and listening 10 time more then I speak?
But I want to be heard because I have an experience share!!!
Well I have found that my opportunity will come to share my experience and truly have people listen only when I have taken the time to earn the right to share.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
I really think everyone has a message to share with the world but we are to busy to either listen or to scared to share. Is there any experience that I have gone through that can help me help others? I believe there is and the time is at hand to reach out and lift up those around me. And by doing so I will find the one that can pick me up dust me off and put me back on track better then they found me. Has there ever been a time where you think that life is too hard and you just can't go any further? I have Been to that point a few times in my life and it has uniquely prepared me to be a beacon of hope for those coming down the same path.
Wouldn't be nice to have a road map that teaches us how to get through the rough spots in life? There is one and it just so happens that it lies in the experiences of the people that are around us. So does that mean that I need the people that I come in contact with on a daily basis? You better believe it does. There is so much yummy stuff out there that people have to share. But the hard part is figuring out how to mine the experiences from those around us.
First question I need to ask myself is am I teachable and willing to listen? Second question is can I keep from judging others and truly believe that everyone have a valuable message to share? Third Question is can I listen without speaking or changing the subject before the message is delivered? Dave Blanchard said " there is about 60 % of cooperation that people hold back until they feel the are validated". Imagine 60 % more cooperation from those around you just by listening and really understanding.
Funny how that works isn't it. Steven Covey said in relationships fast is slow and slow is fast when it comes to communication. Seeking first to understand is the key to unlocking the door to the vault that holds riches so large there is not enough room for one person to receive it. So does this mean that I need to break out of my shell and start asking the right questions and listening 10 time more then I speak?
But I want to be heard because I have an experience share!!!
Well I have found that my opportunity will come to share my experience and truly have people listen only when I have taken the time to earn the right to share.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
What did I learn today? I learned that it is really easy judge each others. I caught myself making a judgement about someone today and I was so far off the mark it was not funny. Made me realize that I need to keep on top of my thoughts and not let my perceptions get in the way. It goes back to Steven Covey's 7 Habits #5 says seek first to understand and then be understood. This is also true for the physical aspect of the people you meet or know. Just because it looks a certain way does not always mean that is the way it really is. It is so easy to make a superficial judgement when you think you know how someone is.So I need to seek first to understand.
Makes me wonder if what I see is actually inside of me not the other person. So is it time for me to take out the trash? Am I seeing my own insecurities and short comings in other people? Or is it me projecting those insecurities and shortcoming on to others? Boy that is a tough pill to swallow but it is an absolute unchangeable truth. So That means I need to clean our my negative thoughts and then and only then can I see people for who they truly are. Kirk Duncan taught us about taking out the T.R.A.S.H.
Trash stands for Thoughts, randomly, affecting, spiritual, heights. Looks like I have some spring cleaning to do. And I hope this will help someone realize the same.
Thank you for reading.
William Henderson
Makes me wonder if what I see is actually inside of me not the other person. So is it time for me to take out the trash? Am I seeing my own insecurities and short comings in other people? Or is it me projecting those insecurities and shortcoming on to others? Boy that is a tough pill to swallow but it is an absolute unchangeable truth. So That means I need to clean our my negative thoughts and then and only then can I see people for who they truly are. Kirk Duncan taught us about taking out the T.R.A.S.H.
Trash stands for Thoughts, randomly, affecting, spiritual, heights. Looks like I have some spring cleaning to do. And I hope this will help someone realize the same.
Thank you for reading.
William Henderson
Monday, October 3, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
How hard is it to teach a old dog new tricks? Have you ever tried to teach yourself something new? Or have you ever tried to get into a new set of habits? Why is it so easy to start bad habits and so hard to start new ones? Why is it that the human race for the most part so willing to take the easy road instead of the hard one? I there a force that draws us to the things that we naturally desire?
Teaching a dog new tricks is possible if you find what motivates the dog. This same thing is true when it comes to people. If you were offered $100,000 to stop one of your bad habits for a year how easy would it be to roll up your sleeves and start day one? Really easy I would hope. Why is good habits not rewarded instantly? For example if you don't smoke you live longer if you smoke your life is shortened. This is the law that governs all laws in the universe and that is says that for every action there will be a reaction or some may call it a a consequence.
Take eating for an example. If you eat bad things while you are young it seems that it does not effect you very much. But in time things start to catch up to you and you gain weight and you get weaker and before you know it you have gone to pot.
Becoming unhealthy happens one small step at a time and one small choice at a time. Just as becoming healthy one good decision after another will get one to that desired destination. Bad habit comes so slowly that we don't even realize it has us until one day BAM!!!! we are over whelmed because in order to come back we will have have to take all those steps again all the way back to where we began. Someone once said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. The end of the journey only comes to those that are willing to take ever step necessary to reach the thousand mile mark. And being in a place you don't want to be took every step necessary to reach the place where you don't want to be. So be careful because the thousand mile marker might be at a destination you would never in a million years choose to travel to.
But if you end up a thousand miles away from where you want to be that is not the end there is hope. Make the decision to get back on track and take the first step and please do not quite. Push through the pain the suffering and the heart ache because the reward is great at the end of the journey.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Can one have a relationship with money? That seems like a funny question to ask. Of course you can't have a relationship with money. Or can you? Well I was taught something new from Kirk Duncan about money. I tried something that might sound a little weird but it has made a big difference in how money comes into my life.
In the past I always used to say that when ever I get caught up something happens and I get knocked behind. Also used to say I never have enough money and I would even say I guess I just was not meant to have a lot of money. To want money is not a bad thing. I was always told that people that have money are never happy and money does not grow on trees.
Well I need to say this' " Money is made out of paper and cotton and both of those things grow." So I guess money does grow on trees and bushes. Wouldn't that be cool if you could plant a money tree and a few bushes in your yard? We I learned how to do it and I have been astonished on how much money has gone through my account in the month of September.
It all started when Kirk told me that I need to start talking to my money. Sounds weird I know but it works. For example I took a 100 and I looked at the face on the front and said " hi Ben my name is William and I want you to be my friend. I promise you that I will respect you, take care of you and make sure you don't get abused. I really want you to invite your friends over to spend time with me and we will build our network of friends and we will get together often."
Sounds like I have lost my mind does't it? Well After I did this I was driving into the Home Depot parking lot and I saw what look like money on the ground so I stopped to take a look and would you believe it was a 5 dollar bill. Well I did what any other person would do to a friend that was left alone on the ground. I pick Lincoln up and said hi Abe I am sorry that your last friend did not care about you and just left you in the parking to be ran over and left to perish. Abe I can promise you this, I will never let you down if you become my friend in fact Ben is with me and he loves to have company just like I do.
Then I had a break through and I realized that I need to talk about money differently just like Kirk said. So now I tell myself money does grow on trees, money is always in abundance, money is good to have, money loves to be around me and people like to give me money.
No that can't make a difference!!! Well my friends I am here to tell you it does. We need money to survive in this world and how can someone have a greater influence on others if they do not have it? Well how do I get it? First change the way you think about money and then ask God how you can receive more of it and if it is OK to do it. He wants us to have it so we can share it with others by teaching them how to be fishermen instead of just feeding them.
There is a governing principle that is connected with money. And that principle is sure and unchangeable. First you must not be afraid to ask for it and you must act on the ideas that you are given. So in other words faith first and work after. One cannot receive a blessing unless they follow the law that governs the blessing.
If one does not believe this statement then it might be time for some introspection. God can not give you anything unless you are true to what you have been commanded to do to receive that thing. When he speaks he can not go against it he is bound by his own words. That gives me great hope because I will always know where to look for direction because the destination will never change. If the direction did change he would be a God of confusion.
All things are governed by the same principle and law. EVEN MONEY!!! Change your relationship with it, keep track of it, spend it wisely and believe that there is enough out there to come into your life as well. I am not being vain and I am not loving money more than God. Money is a tool and so is a power saw. And the same law governs the power saw as does money. That is, if you don't learn how to use it, it will either cut your fingers off or it will not work properly and the end result will be less than desirable.
This month I have been able to give work to more people than I ever thought possible and the byproduct of that work was money. Many families blessed because someone is getting closer to understanding the principle that governs money and using it to bless the lives of others. I still have many things to learn and dial in when it comes to money and I will do what the old saying says "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step".
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
In the past I always used to say that when ever I get caught up something happens and I get knocked behind. Also used to say I never have enough money and I would even say I guess I just was not meant to have a lot of money. To want money is not a bad thing. I was always told that people that have money are never happy and money does not grow on trees.
Well I need to say this' " Money is made out of paper and cotton and both of those things grow." So I guess money does grow on trees and bushes. Wouldn't that be cool if you could plant a money tree and a few bushes in your yard? We I learned how to do it and I have been astonished on how much money has gone through my account in the month of September.
It all started when Kirk told me that I need to start talking to my money. Sounds weird I know but it works. For example I took a 100 and I looked at the face on the front and said " hi Ben my name is William and I want you to be my friend. I promise you that I will respect you, take care of you and make sure you don't get abused. I really want you to invite your friends over to spend time with me and we will build our network of friends and we will get together often."
Sounds like I have lost my mind does't it? Well After I did this I was driving into the Home Depot parking lot and I saw what look like money on the ground so I stopped to take a look and would you believe it was a 5 dollar bill. Well I did what any other person would do to a friend that was left alone on the ground. I pick Lincoln up and said hi Abe I am sorry that your last friend did not care about you and just left you in the parking to be ran over and left to perish. Abe I can promise you this, I will never let you down if you become my friend in fact Ben is with me and he loves to have company just like I do.
Then I had a break through and I realized that I need to talk about money differently just like Kirk said. So now I tell myself money does grow on trees, money is always in abundance, money is good to have, money loves to be around me and people like to give me money.
No that can't make a difference!!! Well my friends I am here to tell you it does. We need money to survive in this world and how can someone have a greater influence on others if they do not have it? Well how do I get it? First change the way you think about money and then ask God how you can receive more of it and if it is OK to do it. He wants us to have it so we can share it with others by teaching them how to be fishermen instead of just feeding them.
There is a governing principle that is connected with money. And that principle is sure and unchangeable. First you must not be afraid to ask for it and you must act on the ideas that you are given. So in other words faith first and work after. One cannot receive a blessing unless they follow the law that governs the blessing.
If one does not believe this statement then it might be time for some introspection. God can not give you anything unless you are true to what you have been commanded to do to receive that thing. When he speaks he can not go against it he is bound by his own words. That gives me great hope because I will always know where to look for direction because the destination will never change. If the direction did change he would be a God of confusion.
All things are governed by the same principle and law. EVEN MONEY!!! Change your relationship with it, keep track of it, spend it wisely and believe that there is enough out there to come into your life as well. I am not being vain and I am not loving money more than God. Money is a tool and so is a power saw. And the same law governs the power saw as does money. That is, if you don't learn how to use it, it will either cut your fingers off or it will not work properly and the end result will be less than desirable.
This month I have been able to give work to more people than I ever thought possible and the byproduct of that work was money. Many families blessed because someone is getting closer to understanding the principle that governs money and using it to bless the lives of others. I still have many things to learn and dial in when it comes to money and I will do what the old saying says "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step".
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Monday, September 26, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
John A. Widtsoe said the following
“The reading habit is most valuable in life. I mean by that the practice of using a little time, say half an hour a day, in the systematic reading of worthwhile literature. The mind is opened to precious fields of thought; the achievements of the ages become ours; even the future takes form. As the mind and spirit are fed by well chosen reading, comfort, peace and understanding come to the soul. Those who have not tried it, have missed a keen and easily accessible joy.
“Moreover a person who engages in such a regular daily reading, if only a few minutes a day, in the course of a few years becomes a learned man. But it must be a regular daily habit. … Some of the best educated men that I have ever met have never been to college but have acquired the habit of daily reading of good books for a few minutes a day.”
I can truly say that I know that my mind has been opened to precious fields of thought; and the achievements of the ages have become mine; and even the future has taken form. We can learn from men that have taken the time necessary to acquire inspiration and share it freely with the masses.
Like Jame Allen who said "the dreamers are the saviors of the world"
Victor Frankel who said "The attempt to develop a sense of humor and to see things in a humorous light is some kind of a trick learned while mastering the art of living".
Mahatma Gandhi "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong".
Steven R Covey that said "Seek first to understand than be understood"
And last but defiantly not the least Og Mandino Who said " Love will be my greatest weapon and it will melt the hardest hearts like the sun who's rays melt the coldest clay.And my love will also be my shield that will repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger.
I have become a better man because these men have lived.
Thanks for reading
William Henderson
“The reading habit is most valuable in life. I mean by that the practice of using a little time, say half an hour a day, in the systematic reading of worthwhile literature. The mind is opened to precious fields of thought; the achievements of the ages become ours; even the future takes form. As the mind and spirit are fed by well chosen reading, comfort, peace and understanding come to the soul. Those who have not tried it, have missed a keen and easily accessible joy.
“Moreover a person who engages in such a regular daily reading, if only a few minutes a day, in the course of a few years becomes a learned man. But it must be a regular daily habit. … Some of the best educated men that I have ever met have never been to college but have acquired the habit of daily reading of good books for a few minutes a day.”
I can truly say that I know that my mind has been opened to precious fields of thought; and the achievements of the ages have become mine; and even the future has taken form. We can learn from men that have taken the time necessary to acquire inspiration and share it freely with the masses.
Like Jame Allen who said "the dreamers are the saviors of the world"
Victor Frankel who said "The attempt to develop a sense of humor and to see things in a humorous light is some kind of a trick learned while mastering the art of living".
Mahatma Gandhi "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong".
Steven R Covey that said "Seek first to understand than be understood"
And last but defiantly not the least Og Mandino Who said " Love will be my greatest weapon and it will melt the hardest hearts like the sun who's rays melt the coldest clay.And my love will also be my shield that will repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger.
I have become a better man because these men have lived.
Thanks for reading
William Henderson
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
When I was 18 I worked for a company call Rayco environmental. There we drilled methane wells in land fills at 32 inches in diameter and 100 feet deep. Well one day Rayco was short one of the dump truck operators so they put me through a 10 minute crash course on how to drive a 10,000 pound dump truck. Well that was fine, I took on the challenge and in 30 minutes I was on the 5 freeway fully loaded heading for one of the largest land fills I had ever seen. To say the least I was up tight and the trip seemed to take for ever. Well to my surprise I made it to the land fill and back with no bumps and bruises.
So I was sent for a second and third and even a forth trip to the land fill with no hiccups. Well the fifth time came and I was feeling really sure about myself. Down the 5 freeway I went feeling like a tough heavy equipment operator until I started up the long steep hill leading to the top of the land fill. The dump truck seamed to be a little less powerful as I headed up the hill this time and when I reach the half way point the truck just quit dead in its tracks. That might not seam like to much to handle for an experienced operator like my self but I had only five trips under my belt so I was a little shy in the experience department. Well I set the emergency brake and let off the foot break and the truck started to roll back wards. You have got to be kidding me I though to myself why is the emergency break not stopping this truck?
To add insult to injury this old dump dump truck had air assist brakes and when the motor was not running it was extremely difficult to hold that loaded hunk of junk from rolling backwards out of control and to my death. I remember using every ounce of strength I could muster to hold that loaded truck from rolling. After about 10 minutes little beads of sweat began to roll down my face and my legs started to shake uncontrollably. At that time I heard a voice say hows it going? I looked to my left and there was a man staring at me through my open window. I told him I was in trouble and I needed help. He said just let it roll back to the open space about a hundred yards back.
I so wanted this guy to jump into the truck a rescue me from this death defying stunt I was participating in. But he did exactly opposite he said you will be OK just let off the breaks easy and roll it back really slow. Easier said than done I thought to myself because in a dump truck you have to back up by looking into the mirrors only and there was no power steering or breaks. Well I said a prayer and let off the breaks really slow and began my descent. It seemed like it took for ever but finally I made it to the pull out.
I am so glad that man did not just have me move over and take control of my truck. He did not know but he help me step up and take the action necessary to save myself. One might think what does this have to do with the Biscuit of the Day but I would have to tell you it has everything to do with it.
Always remember that when you feel that there is no way out of a scary situation there is someone that is always mindful of what is going on in your life. Ask for help and it will come. It just might not come in the form of a miracle it might come in the form of a person giving you encouragement or a thought of what to do next. That day my character was fired a little in the furnace of adversity and I never thought for a second that It would make me a better person latter on life. I now understand that we are going to face scary things a lot in life but we do not have to give up and let it destroy us.
Seek guidance have faith that the answer will come, then when it does take action. Do as Og Mandino said in the greatest sales man in the world. Charge in spite of the sting of the blade or in other words don't give up because it hurts a little or that it is too scary to face. Grab life by the scruff of the neck, give it a slap and hold on. Giving up is not an option any more for this man. I choose to ride the roller coaster of uncertainty.
Always remember that when you feel that there is no way out of a scary situation there is someone that is always mindful of what is going on in your life. Ask for help and it will come. It just might not come in the form of a miracle it might come in the form of a person giving you encouragement or a thought of what to do next. That day my character was fired a little in the furnace of adversity and I never thought for a second that It would make me a better person latter on life. I now understand that we are going to face scary things a lot in life but we do not have to give up and let it destroy us.
Seek guidance have faith that the answer will come, then when it does take action. Do as Og Mandino said in the greatest sales man in the world. Charge in spite of the sting of the blade or in other words don't give up because it hurts a little or that it is too scary to face. Grab life by the scruff of the neck, give it a slap and hold on. Giving up is not an option any more for this man. I choose to ride the roller coaster of uncertainty.
I hope you enjoyed
William Henderson
Monday, September 19, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
So I was just chatting with my friend, Jeremy, about the paths we take in life. I asked what path he wanted to go down. His response? "Success Blvd. Heard of it? You have to go down a ways on Self Development Ave. and hang a right on Confidence Drive. Watch out for Doubt Lane and Distraction Court though. If you turn on either of those, you'll get lost. Oh, and make sure you watch out for the crazies trying to run you off of the road."
There are many paths to follow, which one would you like to go down? Would you like to be on the path that leads to Success Blvd.?
Jeremy owns and operates a website design company. Do you think there is any competition in his world? You better believe it, and "if you were to stack the failures one on top of another they would cast their shadow on the pyramids of the world." But Jeremy gets up every morning and continues to work toward his goals in spite of the negative comments that ring in his head and the grueling competition that fillet people wide open. At the end of his analogy, Jeremy said, "I think I'm probably on Confidence Drive, but my car keeps breaking down. I am a bit short on cash to get it fixed."
That, my friend, is because you need to change your relationship with cash. We chatted a while longer, and by the end, he saw money in a whole different light. I'll save that biscuit for a future post.
Be willing to make changes in life no matter how much it stings. We are here in this life to do hard things and reap the benefits of trying and trying and trying again.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
There are many paths to follow, which one would you like to go down? Would you like to be on the path that leads to Success Blvd.?
Jeremy owns and operates a website design company. Do you think there is any competition in his world? You better believe it, and "if you were to stack the failures one on top of another they would cast their shadow on the pyramids of the world." But Jeremy gets up every morning and continues to work toward his goals in spite of the negative comments that ring in his head and the grueling competition that fillet people wide open. At the end of his analogy, Jeremy said, "I think I'm probably on Confidence Drive, but my car keeps breaking down. I am a bit short on cash to get it fixed."
That, my friend, is because you need to change your relationship with cash. We chatted a while longer, and by the end, he saw money in a whole different light. I'll save that biscuit for a future post.
Be willing to make changes in life no matter how much it stings. We are here in this life to do hard things and reap the benefits of trying and trying and trying again.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Why does there have to be trials before you reach your goals? I s there some force trying to keep you from reaching your goals? Do you think that the opposition can see that we are about to be blessed? It sounds like this is the case because when we are in action and we are exercising our faith to receive the blessing that is when the doubt comes. Do you think for a second that God would fill you mind full of doubt? Do you think for a second that you would fill your own mind full of doubt? Not at all we are the authors of our own success and we would not fill are own minds with doubt because that would pull the carpet out from under us. And God wants us to be happy thus we read men are that they might have joy. We were sent here to have joy.
I have read that we need to be still and know that he is God. What does it mean to be still and know? Is there some instruction in this statement? Is he telling us to clear out the doubt and have faith? I know for a fact that we miss out on a lot because of doubt. We were not born in doubt or fear we were born in love and we are the byproduct of success. Men are that they might have joy. Key word is Might. What does it take to have joy? Well for me it come when I am creating things. I know I have been sent to this planet to experience great joy. Have no fear, be as the parable of the talents and be the servant that gets praise from the master for getting out and using what he was given and hide it not not under a rock out of fear that you will lose it.
There is four steps to receiving a blessing.
1. Ask if you can have it.
2. If the answer is yes thank him as if you had it.
3. Put together a plan to achieve the goal
4. Have faith and take a little step everyday to get closer to your goal.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
I have read that we need to be still and know that he is God. What does it mean to be still and know? Is there some instruction in this statement? Is he telling us to clear out the doubt and have faith? I know for a fact that we miss out on a lot because of doubt. We were not born in doubt or fear we were born in love and we are the byproduct of success. Men are that they might have joy. Key word is Might. What does it take to have joy? Well for me it come when I am creating things. I know I have been sent to this planet to experience great joy. Have no fear, be as the parable of the talents and be the servant that gets praise from the master for getting out and using what he was given and hide it not not under a rock out of fear that you will lose it.
There is four steps to receiving a blessing.
1. Ask if you can have it.
2. If the answer is yes thank him as if you had it.
3. Put together a plan to achieve the goal
4. Have faith and take a little step everyday to get closer to your goal.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Spent the night with the scouts last night in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. We had a great time laughing, talking, swimming in ice cold water and eating great food. For the scout master minutes we talked about the coals in the fire and how they glow bright orange when they are together. I pulled one out of the fire and showed them that it did not take long for the hot coal to dime and finally go dark. I told all the young men that it is important to be in groups that protects and uplifts each other. Scouts is a good group for them to spend time doing hard and fun things together and it gives them opportunity to lead and serve one another.
Choose a good group to be with and be a strong member of that group. This will help one stay burning bright in times of adversity. Be persistent in doing good things and continue to look for opportunities to uplift and serve those around you. Choose this day to become a man among men and stand as a witness of good in all times and in all places. Remember what Og Mandino wrote about persistence: I will strike my blade against the mighty oak time and time and time again until it gives in to the strikes and tumbles to the earth. Or in other words I will continue to work hard for my group and bless the lives of those around me no mater what.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Choose a good group to be with and be a strong member of that group. This will help one stay burning bright in times of adversity. Be persistent in doing good things and continue to look for opportunities to uplift and serve those around you. Choose this day to become a man among men and stand as a witness of good in all times and in all places. Remember what Og Mandino wrote about persistence: I will strike my blade against the mighty oak time and time and time again until it gives in to the strikes and tumbles to the earth. Or in other words I will continue to work hard for my group and bless the lives of those around me no mater what.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
I will persist until I succeed. I will strike my blade against the mighty oak and the first strike will not even put a tremor in the wood, but if I continue to strike, the might oak must succumb to the blows and fall. This is a principle that governs the universe. Faith that you can do and doing until your faith is made whole. I will fight until the day the that I die. Bring me closer to the goal God and hide not my eyes for the prize at the end of the journey. Isn't this life all about persisting until you reach the end in mind?
I say fight fight fight! There is a battle that will crush many raging in the minds and hearts of men. Fight through them and never give up for the prize of success is greater then fine gold. Like the runner that makes the decision to run the marathon, the big battle is in the mind and if they cannot over come the mind they will not succeed.
Thanks for reading
William Henderson
I say fight fight fight! There is a battle that will crush many raging in the minds and hearts of men. Fight through them and never give up for the prize of success is greater then fine gold. Like the runner that makes the decision to run the marathon, the big battle is in the mind and if they cannot over come the mind they will not succeed.
Thanks for reading
William Henderson
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Isn't it great when you finally over come that bad head ache you have had all day? Oh the relief feels so good. This morning when I got into my truck at 5:30 am it was about 75 degrees and it was like running into an old friend that I have not seen for quite some time. This has been one of the best summers of my whole life, but I am ready for the cooler weather. Arizona's heat has pushed me further physically then I have ever had and this push has been a welcome push.
I can do hard things and live to tell the tale. The first month after I was laid off I made $356.00. This was a scary moment in my life because I had six people to feed and bills to pay. When I had to get food stamps to feed my family I thought to my self that I was a failure. This is what the opposing force wanted me to think. so I rolled up my sleeves and went to work. I even shoveled 10 tons of rock in the heat. One of the greatest jobs I have ever had was shoveling that rock. The reason it was great is because the person that hired me could have done it himself and he hired me because of his love for me and my family. All I can say is that act of service for me was like the cool morning after three months of over 100 degree weather or that head ache that had been with me all week.
How can I be the cool weather for a brother that has been wondering in the desert of shattered dreams and despair? First be willing to get in tune with you higher power through pondering, praying, Reading and listening. Wake in the morning and pray for God to place someone on your path that you can serve. Say in your prayer "please place someone on my path that I can serve and I promise that I will serve him. You will find that as you act on the promptings to serve you will get them more often. This will build a relationship of trust with God. You will trust that he will place people on your path and God will trust that you will serve the people that he places on your path. Hope you enjoyed.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.
A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.
A Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.
A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.
If it possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred, yea a thousandfold by man, cannot I do the same with the clay that bears my name? Og Mandino
God has placed me on this earth to become something great. How do I multiply my value a hundredfold? How do I reconstruct the clay that bears my name? Training myself to think different is the first step. Consistent and focused action in the second. And third is pushing forward in spite of the discomfort. Read from the good books and seek to learn from the master, Seek him and you will find him. He will teach if you take the action necessary to learn.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.
A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.
A Cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.
A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.
If it possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred, yea a thousandfold by man, cannot I do the same with the clay that bears my name? Og Mandino
God has placed me on this earth to become something great. How do I multiply my value a hundredfold? How do I reconstruct the clay that bears my name? Training myself to think different is the first step. Consistent and focused action in the second. And third is pushing forward in spite of the discomfort. Read from the good books and seek to learn from the master, Seek him and you will find him. He will teach if you take the action necessary to learn.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Monday, September 12, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Do You ever find that your schedule is always being changed because you don't want to let anyone down? Or Maybe you don't want to let go of any work because you are afraid that it will dry up? Do you ever find that you are being late to appointment more then ever?
Well Dave Blanchard CEO or the Og group said " I will command and obey my command". Or in other words set goals and stick to the goals that he sets. Or set a schedule and be willing to say I am booked up until next week and ask would you like me to put you in for an open day next week? Any reasonable person will respect a schedule because they will benefit more if they have your undivided attention.
This is a very hard thing when one is in survival mode. I would take on everything and I found that I did not get very much done. I wanted to do all the work and get all the pay. Finally after about a year of doing this I burnt out and wanted to go back to work and punch a clock again. A good friend of mine told me I need to upgrade my problems. I thought what the heck does he mean. Why would I want harder problems? Well he told me that you can't do it all and I needed hire subcontractors to do the work. Wow but if I hire the subcontractor I will not get all the money. Guess what? I started to make more money.
Weird, what the heck happened? Upgrading my problems is what happened. Instead of having the problems of worrying about getting everything done I started worrying about if the guys or gale I hired were doing the job right or showing up on time with the right attitudes and equipment. What a change this is to the way I used to see things. Well now I spend 2 hours at a job site instead of all day and more work gets done. What the heck? How did I not see that I am of more value if I am out drumming up work, making phone calls and building relationships.
With this being said I cant help but think about Og Mandino's prayer in the greatest sales man in the world. He wrote:
Assign me tasks to which others have failed; yet guide me to puck the seed of success from their failures. Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit; yet endow me with courage to laugh at my misgivings. This is such a great and scary thing to ask for. Hard tasks and fears that will temper my spirit. You have got to be out of your mind to ask for this stuff. Well call me CRAZY!!!
Thank you for reading and please post if you feel the need.
William Henderson
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it.
Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it. Copernicus fostered
the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it. Buddha
beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he
entered into it.
Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the
beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out
of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you
but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.
Jame Allen
I know this to be the truth I have tested it a proved it. Cherish your vision or goals and work a little towards it each day and someday it will be realized. I have always dreamed of being self employed and here I am going on three years without a boss. Visualize your goals then stay in the here and now to accomplish them. There is so much out there for the dreamer that is willing to take action and willing suffer the hardships that it takes to succeed.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Imagine for a moment a block of wood. Not anything special just an ordinary Block of wood. But then the master comes and sees the potential of this little piece of wood. So he takes it and starts to chip at it and carve on it and sand it and polish it. Then it becomes a fine work of art. Once a block of wood and now a beautiful bowl ready to receive the things that it was designed to receive.
Now let us liken this to a spirit that was sent down to earth to be tried and tested.
Are we able to receive without the work of the master’s hand?
There are many things in life that chip, carve, sand and polish us. Once we have been harrowed out we have the ability to receive abundantly from our Savior. A block of wood cannot partake of the things that a wood bowl can just as an unsorrowed soul cannot partake of true joy.
Hope you Enjoyed
William Henderson
Friday, September 9, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
It's easy to lose focus when things are crazy. This week has been a good crazy week. I am going to speak to the congregation at my church this Sunday and I have been bombarded with things that consumed every second of my time. Tonight I was invited to go to a Diamond Backs game but I needed to take care of preparing for talking to the congregation. I almost went to the game because of course I need time to unwind now and then. Makes me wonder if someone was trying to knock me off track. This reminds me of Steven Covey's 7 habits of Highly effective people. Habit one Begin With The End In Mind and habit two FIRST THINGS FIRST.
There is nothing wrong with going to a ball game with friends and spending time unwinding. But there is a time and a place for it. It is so easy to put off the hard things for the fun or easy things. I guess it would be called getting my priorities straight. I made a commitment to speak and I need to arrive prepared on Sunday to present the message.
It could be just chance that I was invited to go to the ball game but I truly believe that that there is opposing force in all things. I know the apposing force was not the person that invited me but the option to go was. It could be a voice or an outside person that throws one off course. Before I make a decision from here on out I need to make sure it fits into My End In Mind and the priority of the day or The First Things First..
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
The master in the art of living make little distinction between their work and play, their labor and their leisure, their minds and their bodies, their information, their recreation, their love and their religion. They hardly know which is which; they simply pursue their vision of excellence at whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. James A. Michener
This is what separates the good from the great. Engage in life with your whole heart. When its time to work work hard when it is time to play play hard. Use the same zeal at work as you do at play and you will be astonished at the transformation in your life. God placed us here to have joy. Find joy in the journey even if the journey is down the 60 freeway to your job in Phoenix. Men are that they might have Joy. The key word is might. Look for joy and it will find you.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
"Within me burns a flame which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become better than I am, and I will. I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world. I am nature's greatest miracle."
- Og Mandino -
Where did this flame come from? Why do I have this desire to become better than I am? How Do I fan this flame of dissatisfaction? This answer can be found deep inside ones soul. Seek and yea shall find. Ponder long enough and you will see. It is incredible how much there is available to those how truly want to find more.
Proof that We have is being self employed right now. We started a company when the United States fell into one of the worst economic times in history. Not easy at all when the first month we made 234 bucks. How will you feed a family of 6 on that income? All I knew was God has always provided and I do the work and he provides the way.
It is out there for the one that is willing face the nay Sayers and take a chance no matter how many walls are placed before them, how many negative thoughts are running through their mind and how small the bank account is that week. All this stuff and .50 cents will buy you some bubble gum in a quarter machine that turns your teeth green and loses its flavor in about 20 minutes.
Action is the tender that ignites the flame of success. Everyday is a trial to get out of bed. But the alarm goes off and I plant my feet on the ground and take on one more day. If I have negative thoughts I feed my self with the positive until I feel like a new man. Sometimes this takes all day even up till the time for bed comes. Not for the faint of heart that's for sure but funner then the best roller coaster ride I have ever been on.
My Friends thank you for reading. This has giving me an opportunity to dig deep into my soul and see some really eye opening things.
William Henderson
Monday, September 5, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.
"And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you would become the plaything of circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity to become molded into the form of the typical inmate. Victor Frankl
I can choose my attitude no mater what my circumstances? There is always a choice to be made?
Today I will be a master of my emotions. Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions: strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. Og Mandino
We have control over thoughts, attitude and emotions. Not long ago I thought I was controlled by all these things. But now I know I am the master gardener of my mind and life. Makes me realize that I truly am a child of god. How else would I have the ability to look inside my self and be able change what I don't like and keep what I like. I am so grateful for the men and women that have went against adversity to write good books. How many evil books are out there and think about the opposition in this world against the good ones.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. Victor Hugo.
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
No Living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use when ever I choose. Hence forth I will cultivate the habit of laughter. I will smile and my digestion will improve; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the greatest secret of long life and now it is mine. I will laugh at the world. And most of all I will laugh at myself for man is most comical when he takes himself to seriously. Og Mandino
Have you ever felt like the world is conspiring against you? have you ever felt like you could not bare another trial? Try to find something to laugh at and the world will seem like a much better place. Have fun with this one because it will change your life. Smile some and feel the difference.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
No Living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use when ever I choose. Hence forth I will cultivate the habit of laughter. I will smile and my digestion will improve; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the greatest secret of long life and now it is mine. I will laugh at the world. And most of all I will laugh at myself for man is most comical when he takes himself to seriously. Og Mandino
Have you ever felt like the world is conspiring against you? have you ever felt like you could not bare another trial? Try to find something to laugh at and the world will seem like a much better place. Have fun with this one because it will change your life. Smile some and feel the difference.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Biscuit of The Day
Wow what a day! I finally cleaned out that garage that has been bothering me for about 8 months. Why does it take so long to clean things out when it take such a small effort to mess it up? Just a little here and a little there wont hurt, I will take care of it tomorrow. The mind is the same way so be careful what thoughts you partake of. Make a covenant to yourself that you will give place no more for the enemy of you soul. Negative thoughts are from the enemy.
James Allen said that ones mind is like a garden it can be intelligently cultivated or left to run wild and grow useless weed seeds. Every hard journey begins with a mental battle. Clearing the mind and opening it to inspiration is a very hard journey. The hardest and most rewarding thing man can do is to learn how to concur his thoughts. I am on this journey to become a master of my thoughts and the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. So I better watch my step!
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
James Allen said that ones mind is like a garden it can be intelligently cultivated or left to run wild and grow useless weed seeds. Every hard journey begins with a mental battle. Clearing the mind and opening it to inspiration is a very hard journey. The hardest and most rewarding thing man can do is to learn how to concur his thoughts. I am on this journey to become a master of my thoughts and the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. So I better watch my step!
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Friday, September 2, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
Upon entering the stage of meditation, faith gradually ripens into knowledge, and the new regenerate life begins to be realised in its quiet wisdom, calm beauty, and ordered strength, and day by day its joy and splendour increase. James Allen.
Our ripened faith become knowledge? Deeply ponder on my faith and it will become knowledge? Is this why we should feast on the words and not just read them? Makes me want to read a lot closer than I have been. What an eye opening read. James Allen had to be inspired from his higher power to write this stuff. Stuff like this just does not come out of thin air. If you would like to read more go to
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Our ripened faith become knowledge? Deeply ponder on my faith and it will become knowledge? Is this why we should feast on the words and not just read them? Makes me want to read a lot closer than I have been. What an eye opening read. James Allen had to be inspired from his higher power to write this stuff. Stuff like this just does not come out of thin air. If you would like to read more go to
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
The Following is From James Allen's As A Man Thinkith. Boy this made me ponder deeply!
James Allen
What will I willing do to obtain the desires of my heart. No matter what it is that you want to obtain there is a governing principle that administers what you receive. Even the blessings from Heaven. We cannot receive a blessing unless we are faithful to the law that governs that particular blessing. This should be the same in our homes and our world. If you don't do the work you don't get the pay. Liberating to say the least. James Allen was spot on.
Thank you for Reading
William Henderson
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Biscuit of the Day
Did You Know that a very large ship is benefited very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm, by being kept workways with the wind and the waves.
What is your wind and waves? What is your Helm? What direction is your work ways? Choice I believe is the helm and work ways is directly in to adversity. Face the day everyday and don't quit. Choose to be a man among men in the time of adversity.
Og Mandino wrote the following statements:
If you were to stack the bodies of the failures one on top of the other, it would cast it's shadow on the pyramids of the world. I was not delivered into this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk and to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I WILL PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED!!
I will push work ways into the storms until my God calls me home. I know times are hard right now and some are called to bare more than others. But I know this much to be true. The finisher of my faith bore it all so my load could be lightened. Seek him and he will give you strength and courage to press forward when the winds and wave conspire against you.
Thank you for reading.
William Henderson
Monday, August 29, 2011
Daily Biscuit
"My dreams are worthless, my plans are dust, my goals are impossible. All are of no value unless they are followed by action. I will act now!!"
- Og Mandino
Will I be willing to Take action no matter what? What will it take to be come a man among men? Will I just be a dreamer or will I charge forward in spite of the challenges that are place before me? To many years have I lived below my privileges. What is wrong with wanting to break free form the pay check to pay check way of life? Action is the only thing that will break me free from this way of life.
1st. I will clear my mind from any unclean thoughts. All thoughts will be let in by invitation only.
2nd I will always organize my time and space. It is time to have a place for everything
3rd I will seek daily and nightly inspiration for my God. Hot or Cold no in between
4th I will do something everyday to get closer to my goals. Take action even if it it a really small action.
Thank you for reading
William Henderson
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
As a child I was a slave to my impulses; now I am a slave to my habits, as are all grown men. I have surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and past deeds threatens to imprison my future. My actions are ruled by appetite, passion, prejudice, greed, love, fear, environment, habit, and the worst of these tyrants is habit.
Therefore, if I must be a slave to habit let me be a slave to good habits. My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good habits. I will form good habits and become their slave.
Og Mandino
Read from the best of books, pray, ponder, meditate, forgive quickly and love unconditionally. Where there is doubt and despair increase the good habits above and increase your Faith and Hope.
William Henderson
Therefore, if I must be a slave to habit let me be a slave to good habits. My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good habits. I will form good habits and become their slave.
Og Mandino
Read from the best of books, pray, ponder, meditate, forgive quickly and love unconditionally. Where there is doubt and despair increase the good habits above and increase your Faith and Hope.
William Henderson
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Biscuit of The Day
lift up you head and be of good cheer for the better days will come. Take courage and go forward with determination for today's dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow's bloom. Teach your children to not doubt by your example of perseverance in the time of adversity.
William Henderson
William Henderson
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